Loving yourself. Part 2

Sometimes I get in those moments when I see something so amazing, so creative, so imaginative and instead of raking up that motivation and inspiration, I take the opposite direction.

We all know it, discouragement.

These people, in the perfect and blessed environment doing what they love in… well… what we see as perfect and blessed.

The usual thoughts of “oh man, they’re so good………………” or “wow… some people just get all the talent….” or “I suck.” and also “I don’t even want to do this anymore…” and even “I think I lost the passion to (insert talent)…” and even as far and selfish and ungrateful as “Why didn’t you bless me with that, God?” BAM.

Sometimes, when the environment is right like in a dance studio, a classroom, a field, a gym, etc. its easy to get sucked into that environment and forget the rest of the world.

Think about it, say you have a lot of dancer friends? Well obviously then dance is a huge impact in your life and may seem like the only thing that you need to be good at to get that happiness, that attention and love, that circle of friends. This could go for anything: academics, sports, instruments, singing, art, drama, writing, leadership, certain personalities, ANYTHING!

In the end, no matter where you are in the world, whatever environment you are brought up in or live in will have a huge influence on determining what you admire and value.

…And so, with that perfect environment, its easy to get sucked into that one specific one and forget the world. The more your eyes are closed the easier it is for lies like discouragement to seep in and set their place. But, God gave you eyes for a reason. And not just for the physical reasons.

Look around you, and look at all the friends God has blessed you with. Each with their own talent to share, their own passion to inspire others, their own views and ideas to open doors, and their own life to love others. There are so many people with passions of all kinds and talents of all levels that it seems impossible that one talent or skill is the determining factor of whether you can be happy or not in this lifetime.

God has truly blessed His people with mysteries and wonders to shape and shock the world and in the end, no matter what you say, WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED.

Everything that we are, everything that we have been, and everything that we are to be is a gift from God.

So take it in. Cherish that. Like blessed Mary may we always say “YES” to His gifts.

Love yourself. God loves you. Is that not enough? Could you dare to say that it’s not?

But it’s okay, like anything, it takes time. Sometimes our minds know the answers but it’ll take however long it takes for your heart to set it in. For others, long, and for some not. We are all on the same road.

Different stories, same roots.

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