"I’m in the middle of a refining season. If I looked around me, I would easily get discouraged by all the things that seem to be narrowing in my life. However, with my gaze set on Higher things [things above me and in front of me], I am excited [literally looking forward to my future], knowing that this is the time right before something incredible will be birthed [the contraction before the expansion]. 2011 is going to be an explosive year of growth for me.
I had already been thinking to name 2011 ‘Growth’ and it has now been confirmed in multiple ways.
1. I was reading Ezra 3 about preparations to build the Temple. In the middle of this passage, my Bible has this commentary:
“The people of Israel spent months just preparing to build the Temple…How much prep time do you take before doing a project? Most of us would rather do a job than prepare for it. Preparation time may not feel heroic or spiritual, but it is vital to any project you want to do well.”
Since I am now His temple & He lives in me opposed to dwelling in a building, I take Ezra 3 as a metaphor for the season I’m in. It confirmed that I am being prepared for some major [re]construction. Before you rebuild you have to tear down, and I’ve been in a season of tearing down lately.
2. That same night, I read this verse:
You drench the plowed ground with rain, melting the clods and leveling the ridges. You soften the earth with showers and bless its abundant crops. -Psalm 65:8
It really resonated with me, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on why [Holy Spirit, anyone?]. So I researched plowing:
“The plow…is a tool used in farming for initial cultivation of soil IN PREPARATION for sowing seed or planting…The primary purpose of ploughing is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while burying weeds and the remains of previous crops, allowing them to break down. It also aerates the soil, and allows it to hold moisture better. -Wikipedia
God is plowing my heart, refining it, redefining it. He is burying & breaking down the weeds in my world. He is overturning things I once clung to and bringing fresh nutrients to the surface. He is plowing and planting in my soul.
And it says that He drenches the plowed ground. Not just sprinkles, not just rains on; drenches. When this season has passed there will be abundant crops.
3. I was talking with one of my best friends, who has been going through similar seasons as me (as in, we are on the same sentence of the same page of the same chapter of our lives) about a month or so ago. We had both named our year this year the same thing, and I mentioned that I was thinking about naming next year Growth. She just looked at me, and said something like, “That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking for me.” To have someone I’m on the same page as be thinking similarly to me signifies that I’m heading in the right direction.
I’ve got a colossal future ahead of me." -adarkhorse
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