
"Success is peace of mind that comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. No one can do more." -John Wooden

"When success is defined as being one's best rather than competing with others, people can focus on and enjoy their own improvement and accomplishments...they are more likely to experience intrinsic motivation and enjoyment of the activity. They also persist in the face of difficulties, select challenging goals, and exert maximum effort." -Dweck, 1999; McArdle & Duda, 2002

"If you make winning basketball games a life-or-death situation, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot." -Dean Smith

"For an ego-approach person, experiencing personal improvement or knowing that one did his or her 'best' would not in itself occasion feelings of success or competence. Indeed, knowing that one tried hard and failed to outperform others would cause an ego-oriented person to feel especially incompetent. If ego-oriented people begin to question their ability to compete successfully with others, they are more likely to reduce persistence and avoid the challenge at hand." -Nicholls, 1989

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