Letting Go

Let go and let God.

"Everyone in your life is meant to be a part of your journey, but not all of them are bound to stay. Most often, you have to let people go." -Anonymous

"Lesson from Toy Story 3: Let go of the things that you are not supposed to hold on to. They made you happy once, but maybe this time, they'll make someone happier." -via Kathryn Cruz

"Move on. It's just a chapter in the past. But don't close the book, just turn the page." -Anonymous

“In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.” -Mitch Albom, Five People You Meet in Heaven

"Before we can allow God to work in our lives, we need to first let go of the past and let God take hold of our lives.

by author and fellow relationship blogger Alexandria Lanai

“but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead…”

Philippians 3:13

It’s the things you “burn” that can never come back. Have you ever burned old photos or letters or things that are attached to old memories that serve not a purpose or old ways of thinking that have been outdated? If you’ve burned stuff my friend, you can’t bring them back, you can’t hope and wait till the embers and charred reminants somehow find their way back and materialize in noticeable objects.

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it…”

Matthew 16:25

I admire those who with tears streaming down their face, decided to light that match and set their past on fire – cause they know that they can’t go back to it once it’s completely burned. See, relationships and lives that are bonified “God” stand the test of time and fire! Just ask Shadrach, Mishach and Abendego. The greatest test of knowing if something is “God” is to put it through the fire – purity and honor rise up to the occasion and the dross drips from the edges. Sometimes our self serving dreams and personal relationships are nothing but “dross” – but I believe that what God gives us is indeed pure and good and sometimes like Abraham, we’re needing to let go of what God gives us to bring out the best of who we are and what our dreams/relationships can become.

Dreams are important, relationships are important – but those who choose to let go for a cause greater than themselves are indeed the firey furnace walking people of our time. What an honor to be that? I have no doubt that most of you have had to let go of someone you really loved or cared about. I hope you will trust God with me and know that your best is yet to come." -via KnowGodKnowLove

"There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don’t want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.
When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can’t make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in your story is over. And you’ve got to know when people’s part in your story is over so that you don’t keep trying to raise the dead..You’ve got to know when its dead.
You’ve got to know when it’ s over. Let me tell you something..I’ve got the gift of good-bye. It’s the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye..It’s not that I’m hateful, it’s that I’m faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He’ll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don’t need it. Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn’t belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to…
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains…
If someone can’t treat you right, love you back, and see your worth…LET IT GO!!!If someone has angered you…
If your holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge…
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction…
If you are holding on t a job that no longer meets your needs or talents…
If you have a bad attitude…
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better…
If you’re stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him…
If your struggling with the healing of a broken relationship…
If your feeling depressed and stressed…
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying ‘take your hands off of it,’ then you need to…
LET IT GO!!!!!
‘The Battle is the Lord’s!!’" -T.D. Jakes

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