
"God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces.
Abandon all I am, to have you capture me yet again..
Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Psalm 139:23
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."
Abandon all I am, to have you capture me again. No matter where we are with our walk with God, sometimes we need to come to a state of brokenness. In that state, there is no better place to be than in the Father’s will. In His perfect, pleasing will.
How do you get there? By dying to yourself and reaching out to Him with all of your heart."
"The cracks and bruises in our heart that seem so unfixable and far from restoration can be used for His glory. Our brokeness and sadness can turn into worshipping a God who fills the emptiness in our lives. The relationships and arguments that could be far from mending could ultimately be renewed through Him. The Lord understands us & created us, He knows we’re humans, He’s not aloof of our weaknesses, He didn’t create us to be perfect beings otherwise we wouldn’t have a need for such a flawless Savior.
Come to Him in all your rawness, hurts, angers and feelings . The more we hold onto them and harbor them in our hearts, it can lead to things that aren’t pleasing to Him and eventually distance you from His grace in your life. You’re going to want to scream, it’s going to sting, tears are going to flow endlessly but I find so much peace in knowing that His love for me is endless. His love doesn’t have a beginning or an end. He knew me before I was in my mother’s womb. I’m not this little thing that He could care less for, He knows me by name. My Father in heaven is actively working in my life and there is a purpose and reason to all the unknowns and ‘dot dot dots.’" -
"The phrase “break your heart” now has such a negative, almost ruthless connotation, but if you strip off the layers of triteness from overuse and cultural context, it’s one of the most beautiful, uplifting, poetic phrases in our language.

Because you see…A broken heart is a heart that has been healed. A broken heart is a heart that has reached its acme, its most perfect form, for it is when our hearts are completely broken that our hearts resemble God’s…for isn’t His heart continually breaking for us? A broken heart is a heart that is whole, complete, for it is when we are broken of ourselves, of our desires, of our self-dependence that the Holy Spirit can reside and overflow within us. A broken heart is vulnerability, and vulnerability is the highest form of courage." -(via (via Abby Zaporteza)
"Break my heart for what breaks Yours." -Hosanna by Hillsong

"In the midst of my troubles, those who were strong did help me a good deal. But it was those who were so broken yet still glorified God and looked to Him despite their circumstances or their feelings that gave me a hope. It’s one thing for God to be God to those who have it together, but another thing entirely to see God still be God to those in pain." -Brianna

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