
"People get from books and plays and the cinema, that if you have married the right person you may expect to go on “being in love” forever. As a result, when they find that they are not, they think this proves they have made a mistake, and are entitled to change. Not realizing that when they have changed, the glamour will presently go out of the new love just as it went out of the old one. In this department of life as in any other, thrills come in the beginning and do not last. The thrill you feel on first seeing some delightful place dies away when you really go to live there. Does this mean it would be better not to live in that beautiful place? By no means. If you go through with it, the dying away of the first thrill will be compensated for a quieter more lasting kind of interest. What is more, it is just the people who are ready to submit to the loss of the thrill and settle down under the sober interests, who are the most likely to meet new thrills in some quite different direction

This I think, is one little part of what Christ meant by saying that a thing will not really live unless it first dies..It is simply no good trying to keep any thrill: that is the very worst thing you can do. Let the thrill go—let it die away—go on through that period of death into the quieter interest and happiness that follows—and you will find you are living in a world of new thrills all the time. But if you decide to make thrills your regular diet and try to prolong them artificially, they will all get weaker and weaker, and fewer and fewer, and you will be bored, a disillusioned person for the rest of your life. It is because so few people understand this that you find many middle-aged men and women maundering about their lost youth, at the very age when new horizons ought to be appearing and new doors opening all around them." -C.S. Lewis

"There’s gotta be more to life

Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me." -Stacie Orrico

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