"I don't think it matters if the people you put first puts you second. The fact that you are put in their life, and they're put into yours is a blessing. And when you grow to have no expectation, and you're still friends... love just grew in your relationship. Why ask for more? If you're hurt its your fault for having so much expectation in the first place." -Alo Galedo
"Put your expectations on God, not on people." -Joyce Meyer
"Do you feel a need for affirmation? Does your self-esteem need attention? You don't need to drop names or show off. You need only to pause at the base of the cross and be reminded of this: The Maker of the stars would rather die for you and than live without you. And that is a fact. So if you need to brag, brag about that." -Max Lucado
"Why is it that when PEOPLE let us down we're so quick to turn our backs on God? People will choose to walk out of our lives, boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, bestfriends will sometimes become enemies…and in some cases even family will turn their backs on you when you need them most…but its truly amazing to know that GOD never never will. “….Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5). Forsake means to quit or leave entirely; abandon;desert. God is never going to abandon us, NEVER! He is the only constant in this crazy thing called life. It took me too long to come to that understanding. It was my belief that people, money, and material things could take His place..and was I ever wrong. There is absolutely nothing comparable to GOD’s love. He cant be replaced, substituted, or duplicated. Don’t ever punish GOD for other peoples failures. He is the ONLY one that can and will be there for you always.
“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” -Psalm 118:8
-Adriana Maravilla
"Is your love selfless or selfish? Selfish love demands something in return. Love, acceptance, kindness, concern- something. It gives, therefore it wants to get. Selfish love is always thinking, “What’s in it for me?” And it’s always asking, “Why should I love you when you won’t love me back?” But selfish love isn’t really love at all, because true love thinks nothing of itself but focuses on loving others in order to serve them and Christ, who is our example of selfless love. Unconditional love is something we all want as human beings. We want to be loved no matter what we do, but how often are we willing to return love the same way? We make demands and set rules on our love, but true love doesn’t make demands. It is given freely and abundantly. The only rule when it comes to giving love is that love for a human can never come before our love for Him. Our love should never try to replace the Holy Spirit but should flow from his presence. How many times do you give kindness and then scream when you get anger in return? How many times do you give advice and then complain when it isn’t followed? Do you resent it when you give return? The love you give to others should never be conditional on what you get back but should come from knowing the man above who first loved you. You should be compelled by his love, not the response from other people. You should be defined by his love, not the actions of others. When your focus is not getting but giving, then your love will grow, and through that all other virtues will flow.
Spread Love because EVERYONE deserves it." -sspreadlove
"Expectation is the root of all heartache." -William Shakespeare
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